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Mr David Bolt MLA

Extract from the Western Australian Parliamentary Handbook
BOLT, David
Member for Murray-Wellington
Liberal Party


Elected to the Forty-Second Parliament for Murray-Wellington, at the general election of 8 March 2025, in succession to Robyn Marjorie Jane Clarke (defeated).



Born 20 July 1961, Perth, Western Australia.


The electorate of Murray-Wellington includes all or parts of the Shire of Harvey, Shire of Murray and the Shire of Waroona.

Comprising of all or parts of the localities of Australind, Barragup, Beela, Benger, Binningup, Birchmont, Blythewood, Brunswick, Cookernup, Coolup, Dwellingup, Fairbridge, Furnissdale, Hamel, Harvey, Hoffman, Holyoake, Inglehope, Keysbrook, Lake Clifton, Leschenault, Marrinup, Meelon, Mornington, Myalup, Myara, Nambeelup, Nanga Brook, Nirimba, North Dandalup, North Yunderup, Oakley, Parkfield, Pinjarra, Point Grey, Preston Beach, Ravenswood, Roelands, South Yunderup, Stake Hill, Teesdale, Uduc, Wagerup, Warawarrup, Waroona, Wellesley, West Coolup, West Pinjarra, Whittaker, Wokalup and Yarloop.

Enrolment - 34,016 (2025)

Area - 4,250 km²

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